Red Flags/When to Call/Speech and Language Milestones
12 Months
- Limited or no babbling
- Does not gesture – such as waving or clapping
- Does not respond to name
- Not pointing at objects of interest
- Does not understanding common words such as mama, dada, milk
- No back and forth sharing of sounds and smiles
18 Months
- Does not respond to “no” or “bye-bye”
- Does not use at least 8-10 words meaningfully
- Does not follow simple commands, such as "give me the ball"
- Is not playing pretend with items, such as a phone
By Age Two
- Less than 50% intelligible
- Does not use at least six consonant sounds
- Does not follow two step directions
- Cannot point to pictures of items in books when asked
- Has a vocabulary of less than 50 words
- Relies on gestures and grunting to communicate
- No two-word meaningful phrases
By Age Three
- Deleting consonants at the end of words and/or beginning of words
- Less than 75% intelligible – strangers can’t understand child
- Has not mastered the following sounds: p, m, h, n, and w
- Not using three-word phrases
- Difficulty understanding and therefore answering a variety of questions
By Age Four-Five
- Is not 90-100% understandable to strangers despite age appropriate articulation errors (may not be able to say /r, sh, ch, l, or th yet)
- Is not asking a variety of questions to gain information (who, what, where, why and when)
- difficulty with grammar or pronoun use
- Cannot tell a simple story on topic
- Has difficulty answering simple who, what, where and why questions
- Is not yet able to name a few letters, numbers, and rhyming words
My Child Benefit From Therapy if...
- Not meeting the expected developmental milestones during the first 15-24 months of life (i.e., cooing, babbling, producing first word(s)
- Difficulty coordinating and planning oral motor movements (tongue, lips) to formulate sounds/ syllables or have weak oral motor movements (i.e., weak jaw and/or tongue strength)
- Not putting two words together to produce phrases and short sentences
- Articulation difficulties where their speech consists of substitutions ( i.e., “f ” for “th,” “w” for “l”), distortions (i.e., the “s” sound may be a lisp or sounds messy), omissions (i.e., the word “cat” is produced “ca.”)
- Weaknesses in receptive language skills or the ability to understand Language. (includes following simple directions, identifying spatial and temporal concepts, understanding prepositions, identifying antonyms, synonyms, multiple meaning words, etc.)
- Weaknesses in expressive language skills or the ability to communicate through words, facial expressions, gestures, or other nonverbal forms
- Difficulties in social situations, such as appropriate turn-taking skills, eye-contact, understanding a communication partner’s feelings, introducing and maintaining a topic, etc.
- Limited food repertoire or have a food repertoire that is limited to certain textures, such as puree
- Numerous disfluencies where they may repeat a sound, word, or phrase before completing a sentence